Game of Life

Game of Life is model of evolution powered by  sorting from the standpoint of stability.  In this game, space is conceived in the form of a large chess board. Each square neighbours on other cells along its sides and in its corners and can be in one of two alternative states, for example black and white. Development of the system occurs in discrete cells according to the following rules: As soon as a white cell is next to three black cells, it becomes black in the next step; as soon as a black cell is next to less than two or more than three black cells, it becomes white in the next step. If a black cell is next to two or three black cells, its state does not change in the next step. On the basis of these simple rules, a system develops from the originally disordered state of randomly distributed black and white cells to a much more ordered state. At various places on the chessboard, relatively large black shapes are formed, which grow or move about (Fig. I.6). Some shapes generate and, on various sides, periodically emit other forms, where the meeting of two forms on the surface can lead to the disappearance of both or only one of them, or several new separate forms are created.

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