XXIII.5.2.2 The risk of methods based on maximum parsimony lies in the fact that their use is based on hypotheses on homologies and homoplasies based on the phylogenetic hypothesis while the phylogenetic hypothesis is formulated on the basis of hypotheses on homologies and homoplasies
In reconstruction of cladogenesis on the basis of the maximum parsimony principle, we simultaneously form hypotheses about phylogenesis on the basis of hypotheses as to what is a homoplasy and what is a homology and formulate hypotheses on division of traits into homologies and homoplasies on the basis of our hypothesis about the phylogeny of a particular taxon.Thus, there is a danger that, while the created hypotheses will be compatible, both the differentiation of homologies and the reconstruction of phylogenesis will be erroneous.If the obtained phylogram assumes substantially fewer evolutionary changes than the phylograms of other topologies, it is highly probable that it is correct.If the differences between phylograms are not very great in this aspect, it is not possible to rely on the obtained results and it is necessary to obtain new data or use a different method for their processing.